Sepik River Tours and Sepik River Crocodile Festival: 8 Days

8 Days


Embark on an immersive adventure along the legendary Sepik River in just 8 days, where ancient traditions and pristine landscapes await discovery. Navigate the winding waterways, surrounded by dense rainforest teeming with wildlife, and witness the timeless customs of the river-dwelling tribes. Experience the rich cultural tapestry of Papua New Guinea as you interact with local communities and admire intricate woodcarvings and traditional artwork. On the Sepik River & Crocodile Festival Tour, you'll have the opportunity to witness exhilarating displays of traditional dance, music, and rituals, and marvel at the skill and bravery of crocodile handlers, all within a week-long journey that promises to be truly unforgettable.

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Sepik River Tours and Sepik River Crocodile Festival: 8 Days